Official Statement on Palestine

Official Statement on Palestine

McMaster GSA would like to extend its utmost solidarity with the Palestinian people, who have been collectively resisting Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid since 1948. In May 2021, Israel’s violence against Palestinians intensified, with violence and ethnic cleansing in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian lands of Sheikh Jarrah and the West Bank, heavy bombardment of the Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip, and attacks on worshippers and the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam. In the Gaza Strip alone, Israel killed at least 243 Palestinians, including 66 children, and wounded 1,910. Israel’s genocidal actions are reminiscent of those of Canada and other settler-colonial regimes. Thus, we call for the dismantlement of settler-colonialism everywhere it exists. Israel must provide equal rights to Palestinians, dismantle its apartheid wall, allow Palestinian refugees to return, in compliance with UN Resolution 194, and end its illegal occupation and colonization of Palestinian land. We welcome our members’ solidarity and support for the Palestinian cause.

Below are some recommended books to learn more about the Palestinian plight:

Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom (Steven Salaita)

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017 (Rashid Khalidi)

Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History (Nur Masalha)

The Question of Palestine (Edward W. Said)

The Battle for Justice in Palestine (Ali Abunimah)

Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine (Noura Erakat)

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Ilan Pappe)

Here are some accounts you can follow:

@mcmastersphr @psc_yorku @cjpmeofficial @ijvcanada @theimeu @subhi.taha @eye.on.palestine @palestinianyouthmovement @mohammedelkurd @nouraerakat

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“Places to Fall in Love with” Contest

"Places to Fall in Love with" Contest

The GSA is delighted to launch the “Place to Fall in Love with” initiative to introduce the McMaster community to various breathtaking places from across the globe where our multi-cultural graduate students came from or live(d). This will show the beautiful aspects of our diversity and help build a stronger McMaster community!

All McMaster grad students are welcome to send us a photo and a brief description of a place they love or that has a special meaning for them. The photos will be shared with the entire McMaster graduate community in our weekly GSA emails and social media. At the end of every month, each featured photo will be entered into a contest on the weekly GSA email and social media that will last for three days. The photo with the most votes will win a $25 gift card. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite photos and share them with your friends!”

General guidelines:
1. New photo submissions are due on Wednesdays before 11:59 PM in order to be selected for the Friday weekly email.
2. The photo submissions should include three parts: 1) Photo; 2) Short Description; and3) Google Maps Street View/Location.
3. The photo submissions will be shared in the GSA email and social media weekly on a “first come, first served basis”.
4. Preferences will be given to students who have not previously had a featured photo. More details in the sign-up form!

Sign-up form here (

Questions? Please contact the GSA VP-External at (

GSA Denounces the Ford Government’s Adoption of the Anti-Palestinian IHRA-WDA

GSA Denounces the Ford Government’s Adoption of the Anti-Palestinian IHRA-WDA

The McMaster Graduate Students Association (GSA) denounces the Ford government’s recent adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism (IHRA-WDA) due to its anti-Palestinianism, anti-democratic nature, and the serious threat it poses to academic freedom at McMaster University, and more broadly, in the province.

The IHRA-WDA conflates
antisemitism with criticism of Israel, which is a settler-colonial and apartheid state.
Israel has a well-documented history of violating the rights of the indigenous
Palestinians, as by illegally denying the right of Palestinian refugees to
return to their homes and lands, detaining and torturing Palestinian children,
arresting Palestinians without charge or trial, and illegally occupying
Palestinian territories. To label the critique of Israel antisemitic is absurd,
and as highlighted by Corey Balsam of Independent
Jewish Voices Canada
(IJV), is dangerously “‘undermining the
battle against genuine antisemitism.’” Rather, the IHRA-WDA appropriates
resistance against antisemitism to perpetuate oppression against the
Palestinians without challenge.

GSA notes that the IHRA-WDA
was adopted by the Ford government unilaterally, via an Order
in Council, after it circumvented a scheduled third hearing and public debate
on the associated Bill 168, evident of its anti-democratic nature. Indeed, according
to a recent survey, 80%
of Canadians reject the conflation of antisemitism and critique of Israel.
Further, as noted by a recent article, this new definition not only poses a threat to scholarship and activism
that is critical of Israel, but could ban “teaching influential Jewish scholars
such as Hannah Arendt and Judith Butler, the post-colonial legend Edward Said,
Black liberation scholar Angela Davis and a long list of other scholars because
of their critical work on Israel.” This definition is particularly concerning
for the McMaster community, as it prides itself for its diversity and
critically-oriented scholarship. Many McMaster graduate students, especially those
who are racialized, now face the threat of censorship, dismissal, unemployment,
and more, sheerly due to their principled advocacy for Palestinian rights.

GSA joins a wide array of progressive organizations, such as CUPE 3906, the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, IJV, and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, in viewing the Ford government’s adoption of IHRA-WDA as an attack on free speech, particularly academic freedom. It also reaffirms the right to critique all foreign states, including Israel. GSA urges the Ontario government to retract its adoption of the IHRA-WDA. In addition, we call on the McMaster University Board of Governors (BOG) to protect free speech on campus and the rights of Palestinians by unequivocally rejecting this flawed definition. Instead, we propose that the BOG adopt IJV’s progressive Working Definition of Antisemitism that links antisemitism to other forms of oppression, including white supremacy and Islamophobia, ruling out criticism of Israel as antisemitic.

This letter was put forward by a majority vote of the Student Issues Actions Committee (SIAC) with those present at the SIAC meeting on Wednesday, November 25th, 2020. This letter was then approved by a majority vote of the GSA Council with those present at the monthly Council meeting on Thursday, November 26th, 2020.