Hi everyone! My name is Caroline Seiler and I am the GSA Vice-President Internal 2020-2021. I represent the GSA for academic matters and plan academic & social events, especially Welcome Week! In my role, I organize the Academic Affairs Committee which meets monthly to talk about issues that affect the academic life of grad students, including departmental & faculty issues, career planning, and administration. We’re always looking for members, so email me if you want to join!

On campus, you can find me at McMaster University Medical Centre in the Department of Medical Sciences, researching the effects of different dietary components on individuals with irritable bowel syndrome, under Drs. Premysl Bercik and M. Ines Pinto-Sanchez. I’m excited to represent you all and I plan to organize events and services to help keep grad students connected and supported. 

If you have any questions, contact me at and I’d be happy to chat! 



Hello friends! My name is Sydney Valentino and I am the GSA Vice-President External 2020-2021. I share and communicate with you through Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and, my favourite, The GSA Weekly. In my role, I organize the Student Issues Actions Committee, Social Trips and Events. What events would you like to see in the next year?

On campus you can find me in Ivor Wynne Centre in the Department of Kinesiology, studying cardiovascular physiology in individuals with a spinal cord injury, under the supervision of Dr. Maureen MacDonald. I am passionate about fostering a connection between all McMaster graduate students, knowledge translation, and supporting student-led initiatives across disciplines and beyond campus borders. I would love to hear from you on activities you are leading and would like to share with our community.  
Since the new physical distancing measures, you can find me using eye drops to combat computer-induced dry eyes or attempting to balance my sedentary time by working out with friends on Zoom!

What are your questions for me? Email me at gsavpext@mcmaster.calet’s chat!

GSA Short Video Competition

GSA Short Video Competition

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of us are stuck at home and end up looking for things to do, like solving jigsaw puzzles or playing games. We’d like students to use their creativity to make fun videos like the ones below:


  • All ideas should be original, and videos should not be taken from elsewhere on the Internet.
  • Upload the video on YouTube and make sure it is “unlisted”.
  • Fill out the form here (including name, MacID, video link, title of video, and 1-sentence description) for us to review and post on our website.
  • All videos must follow McMaster Code of Conduct and Hamilton social distancing bylaws. If you have questions please read FAQs from City of Hamilton here.
  • Video submissions must be SAFE. Unsafe video submissions will not be considered.
  • Deadline: May 31st 
  • Submit your video here!


  • 1st place grade prize of $100 for 1 submission
  • Two prizes of $50 for two second-place submissions
  • Three prizes of $25 for three third-place submissions

Winners will be decided by a public vote after deadline!