Referendum: HSR Bus Pass Agreement


The GSA is asking you to vote on the following question regarding the graduate student bus pass fee starting in September 2017.

The vote will determine if graduate students mandate the GSA to sign the 3 years agreements with HSR following the fee increase indicated in the table below or if graduate students will have to pay for their bus passes individually at the full adult rate (should they choose to travel via this method).


Question: Do you agree to pay the following fees for HSR service over the next three years?

2017 – 2018: $232.70 per annum
2018 – 2019: $257.38 per annum
2019 – 2020: $284.40 per annum
N.B: In the absence of approval of the above fees, graduate student will not receive an HSR bus pass at a preferred rate for the three years.

Important Dates

  • Voting Period: May 8 – 10, 10 am – 6pm
  • Registration for campaign committees (first-come, first-serve basis) will open April 12, 10 am and close April 23, 6 pm
  • Campaign Period: April 24 10 am – May 7 6pm


Posted in GSA, Uncategorized.


  1. Hi,
    I don’t understand what the ‘base’ and ‘upass’ values are in the 2017-2020 GSA to MSU HSR comparison GSA vs MSU document.

    Its understandable there should be in increase, specially since it hasn’t increased in some years now. But why is the proposed increase so high, and why is it higher than what the undergrads pay?


  2. Well, we really don’t have a choice do we? Either we agree with the fee increase – no more negotiation – or we don’t even get one.

    Where’s the referendum for an increase in research stipends?

  3. Are we able to get historic fees to compare with? I’m a new student so I’m fairly uninformed about past costs other than “its a part of your tuition fees”

  4. I would vote for “NO” as I do not use the buses. I live in Mississauga and own my car.

  5. Will there be an opt-out for those already with Presto Cards?

    Why didn’t we combine with the MSU to get a pass as opposed to being separate? I understand in the past they did not get 12 month passes, but now they do.

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