Each year, in accordance with a contractual agreement the GSA has with the HSR, students obtain a highly-subsidized rate to access the busing system in Hamilton.
At the GSA, we are currently in conversation with HSR given the announcement that the Fall semester will be administered online. We are negotiating a contract that will allow graduate students to maintain HSR passes to access our various offices, labs and other essential physical spaces on campus and around Hamilton. We will keep you updated on this process and please reach out and let us know your thoughts about what you’d want our HSR pass to look like throughout the next academic year, especially the Fall semester. We will keep you updated about this and all other matters pertaining to the Fall semester and how the GSA is working on your behalf through our social media and our mailers. Also, feel free to join our weekly drop-in every Wednesday! More information below.
Your GSA
JOIN A WEEKLY CALL with GSA President, Shawn Hercules, and Andrea Cole from the School of Graduate Studies!
When? Wednesdays between 1:00 PM until 2:00PM.
Where? Register for the Zoom link here.
What? Bring your coffee and come for a chat!
Questions? Andrea Cole coleand@mcmaster.ca