Are you interested in Computational Mathematics and/or Scientific Computing? Have you ever wondered how do scientists and engineers solve very sophisticated partial differential equations to simulate complex aerodynamical phenomena? Maybe you would like to comprehend how do engineers design intelligent robots that assist surgeons during their work? If your answers is ‘yes’, it means that you have found the student group at McMaster University that shares the same interests as you! We are a group of graduate students (but undergrads are also welcome!) from different departments around the campus. At first glance, nothing really connects us – some are working on efficient algorithms for PDEs, while others perform their research on evolution and social behavior. Nevertheless, all of us apply similar methods in conducting our research and that is why the emerging field called Scientific Computing has recently become so popular not only at McMaster but in all the world! And that is the reason we are here!
The specific purposes of McMaster University Chapter of SIAM are:
- to promote applied and industrial mathematics as well as scientific computing in McMaster community, including both undergraduate and graduate students,
- to share ideas and thoughts among fellow students and faculty members from different departments and anyone with interest in either applied mathematics or scientific computing,
- to cooperate with other SIAM Student Chapters and scientific student associations.
We would like to introduce students to the world of Scientific Computing by:
- organizing interdepartmental seminars and workshops with the participation of both undergraduate and graduate students,
- inviting speakers from both academia and industry whose work or research is closely associated with our two main areas of interests, namely on applied mathematics and scientific computing,
- arranging field trips to research institutions and\or industry companies that may provide an opportunity for students to network with their potential future employers.
If you would like to join us, do not hesitate, just email us. We are looking forward to hearing from you!