Health Sciences Graduate Student Association

Please refer to the following sites below for resources on graduate writing, career and professional development, course registration, scholarship applications, and conflict resolution:
- Graduate studies resources
- Health Science resources
- GSA resources for new students
- Omsbudsman: The office provides independent, impartial, and confidential dispute-resolution advice and assistance on University-related issues, which promotes discussion of institution-wide concerns, and make recommendations for systemic changes as appropriate.
McMaster Student Wellness Centre
- The Student Wellness Centre remains open with medical appointments, video conferencing counselling sessions and group counselling sessions are available.
- Support During COVID-19
- Mental Health Resources
GSA – EmpowerMe: 1-844-741-6389 (for online or phone life coaching).
Student Accessibility Services
McMaster Peer Support Line (905-525-9140 x28888)
- Non-crisis telephone supportive listening helpline and online chat for McMaster students. Operates 7 days a week from 7pm-1am from September-April.
Crisis/Distress Lines
Assaulted Women’s Helpline (1-866-863-0511 / TTY 1-866-863-7868)
- 24/7 telephone helpline for women in Ontario who have experienced abuse.
Barrett Centre (905-529-7878)
- 24/7 telephone crisis line, in-person crisis appointments, self-harm groups, short-stay residence.
Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) Hamilton (905-972-8338)
- 24/7 telephone crisis line and in-person community visits. Partnership between mental health workers and police officers.
Good2Talk (1-866-925-5454)
- 24/7 telephone helpline for post-secondary students in Ontario staffed by healthcare professionals.
Hamilton Interval House (905-387-8881)
- 24/7 telephone helpline for women experiencing violence/abuse.
Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youthline (1-800-268-9688)
- Peer support by/for LGBTQ-identifying or questioning Ontario youth ages 26 and under by telephone, internet chat, email, and text (to 647-694-4275) available Sunday to Friday from 4-9:30pm.
Muslim Women’s Helpline (1-888-315-6472)
- Helpline available from 10am-10pm Ontario time.
Native Women’s Centre (1-888-308-6559)
- 24/7 telephone helpline for women who are experiencing crisis in their lives due to family violence, homelessness or conflict with the law.
Salvation Army Crisis Line (24/7) 905-522-1477
Sexual Assault Centre Hamilton and Area (905-525-4162 / TTY 905-525-4592)
- 24/7 helpline for women and men (cis and trans) who have experienced sexual violence and people supporting survivors.
Trans Lifeline (1-877-330-6366)
- Peer support hotline for transgender and gender non-conforming people experiencing crisis/distress staffed by self-identified trans people.
Online/Text Support
Hamilton Mad Students Collective
- Peer support group for students with personal experiences of mental health concerns, madness, and/or psychiatric systems. Moderates a private, 24/7 discussion where members support each other and hosts in-person peer support meetings and social events in Hamilton and at McMaster.
Ontario Online & Text Crisis Services (Text 741741)
- Free, confidential online chat and text service available from your computer or mobile device. Operates daily from 2pm-2am.
Progress Place Warm Line (Text 647-557-5882)
- Non-crisis peer support available from your computer or mobile device by/for consumer/survivors. Operates Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 8pm-midnight.
Connex Ontario (1-866-531-2600)
- Ontario addiction, mental health and problem gambling resources. System navigation specialists will answer your call, email, or web chat 24/7 from anywhere in Ontario.
- Skill building program for 15+ for stress, anxiety and depression; CMHA-linked.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Virtual Recovery Resources for Substance Use and Mental Illness
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH, Canada)
Mental Health Commission of Canada