Daily Specials
Game Night Monday
- $2 OFF Burgers and Moosehead on special
Trivia Tuesdays @ 7pm!
- Muskoka Beers on special
- $3 OFF appetizers after 7 pm (Big Marauder/Spinach Dip/Mediterranean Plate)
- and did we mention we give out Phoenix Gift cards for prizes??
- No pre-registration required, so bring your labmates/colleagues and test out your general knowledge!
Live Music Wednesdays
- $6.95 Poutine and $5 Pints of Amsterdam!
Throwback Thursdays
- Wings (After 8 pm)
- Lagershed and Wellington on special
Karaoke Friday
- Mill St. Brewery on special!
- Come and de-stress with other fellow graduate students at the Phoenix!