The School of Engineering Practice and Technology Association

The School of Engineering Practice and Technology Society


The School of Engineering Practice and Technology Society (SEPTS) aims to provide tailored services and activities for graduate students in the School of Engineering Practice and Technology (SEPT). We hope to create a friendly and welcoming community for our members with personal and professional development.

We are also working on connecting our students with the industry professionals to provide networking opportunities for our members. We are planning to organize Alumni Conversations, Industry Night, and Social Events for SEPT students to get familiar with the professional and local communities.

We would love everyone who is interested in our team or events within SEPT department or outside to check our social media and join us!


Executive Team:

  • Presidents: Michelle Ragany (
  • Vice-President: Sophie Nasato
  • Outreach Coordinator: Thrived Setty
  • Event Coordinator: Jonathan Pusic
  • Social Media Coordinator: Bea Alexa Sojor

Contact Information