McMaster Political Science GSA

McMaster Political Science GSA


The McMaster Political Science Graduate Student Association (MPSGSA) serves as a primary vehicle for community, faculty engagement, and guidance for political science graduate students old and new. Our monthly meetings are a means for students to participate in an active membership that seeks to ensure that the graduate student experience within the political science department is constantly improving.

Elections are held at the beginning of the academic year, generally within the first three weeks of September, to fill all vacant positions. There are 8 executive positions that either MA or PhD students may hold. Simply by virtue of being a political science graduate student one is automatically a member of the MPSGSA. Our goal is to maximize the participation of the political science graduate student body in department matters and ensuring we have a prominent voice in decision making processes. Beyond our monthly meetings, we also organize events which seek to help political science graduate students with relevant activities such as applying for research funding and career development.

Department Positions

Department meeting


Grad Committee

Colloquium Committee


FPSGSA Positions


Event Coordinators

MA rep


Contact Information​